Freelance consultant for digital heritage


Having just moved house, and having just packed all my books and CDs, I decided that I really ought to catalogue them. I’ve been tempted by Delicious Library for a while now and thought it an excellent time to buy it.

Luckily, I heard about MacHeist, who, at the time of writing, are offering Delicious Library and 8 other software titles for just $49. This includes RapidWeaver, Shapeshifter, TextMate, NewsFire, FotoMagico, Disco, iClip 4, DEVONthink Personal, and a Pangea game. To buy them all separately would cost you $307.74, so that’s rather a bargain.

For every $49, a proportion (25%) of that money is donated to a charity, so even better.

MacRumors point out that currently, MacHeist has raised over $100,000 for charities with this current offer. But it isn’t without some controversy. Without going in-depth at how MacHeist managed to make such a good offer (I’m not party to specifics), there are a number of critics mentioned on the MacRumors article.

It’s worth reading what MacHeist have to say about how it works, and to read the fors and againsts before you decide to take advantage of their next offer…