Freelance consultant for digital heritage

Podshow+ Profiles

I’ve spent a while messing about with my BTpodshow (or Podshow+ or whatever it end up being called!) profile, and for ages I haven’t been able to work out how to edit the “About Me” text. I’ve been pulling my hair out over it (well, metaphorically at least). At last I’ve worked out how.

You need to go to the ‘Master Control’ page and click ‘Edit Legend’ to change the “About Me” text. Of course! Silly me!

Now I’ve done that I might find the energy to change how the page looks.


One response to “Podshow+ Profiles”

  1. PodShow Joe avatar
    PodShow Joe

    Glad to see that you have worked everything out…..We’d be glad to help you with any other questions you might have. Check out the forums at

    Now, let’s see how you snazz up your profile!
