Freelance consultant for digital heritage

London, life and Brompton folding bikes




I’ve realised that I never got around blogging about some changes in my life recently. First, I have moved to central London. I still work for Wessex, but now do so remotely, visiting the offices once a fortnight (or more often if needed for a meeting there or elsewhere). I am loving London so far – so much to see and do – all of the time.

Secondly, I have bought a Brompton folding bike to assist with said journeys to Salisbury, and for general travelling around in London, and I love it.

My Brompton

So, you can expect plenty of posts on Bromptons and London in the near future ๐Ÿ™‚


2 responses to “London, life and Brompton folding bikes”

  1. Charles May avatar
    Charles May

    How long does it take to ride the Bromton from London to Salisbury?

    Or do you just ride it to Waterloo???

    1. About 9 hours or so.

      No, I ride it to Waterloo, then take it on the train to Salisbury, then ride up to work. It’s about 17 miles total cycling.

      I’ve used my Brompton a fair bit to explore the area where I live, and it’s great to be able to fold it up and take it into a shop. The bag stays in place while it folds, and you can tow the folded bike like a trolley. Next time I’m in Salisbury, I’ll pop round with it ๐Ÿ™‚