Category: Technology
Rock art – digital enhancement services
We have just completed a new page summarising one of our many niche services – digital enhancement of rock art. In the past, making rock art panels clearer to study was often an invasive, destructive, and often messy activity. Chalk, paper rubbings, torchlight, mirrors, and even plaster or latex casts have all been used. The…
Backing up your data to the internet
The latest Dreamhost newsletter popped into my inbox yesterday, and amongst all the dry humour was a notice that they are giving all customers a 50GB of free space to use for personal backups. Although technically I have access to over 350GB of storage, their storage terms and conditions forbid its use for anything other…
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } 3Skypephone, originally uploaded by *Tom*. Tehm and I recently bought a pair of Skype mobile phones from mobile operator ‘3‘. The “3Skypephone” as it is called is a wonderful little device.…
Google gets greener
Ars Technica reports that Google can now produce 30% of their peak demand power through their new installation of 9,212 solar panels. It can produce up to 1.6MW of green electricity, which is rather impressive. Along with their other environmental efforts, it looks like they are committed to compensating for the vast amounts of electricity…