Freelance consultant for digital heritage

Tag: Archaeology

  • Rock art discovery at Nanjulian, St Just, Cornwall

    Rock art discovery at Nanjulian, St Just, Cornwall

    In 2021, whilst walking through the valley at Nanjulian in the far west of Cornwall, thanks to a favourable and fortunate angle of the late summer sunlight, I spotted some interesting markings on a large earth-fast boulder. I was fairly sure straight away that these were prehistoric cup-marks, but reserved judgement until I could return…

  • Imaging the Tintagel early medieval inscribed slate

    Imaging the Tintagel early medieval inscribed slate

    English Heritage have just announced the important and rare discovery of an early medieval stone inscribed with writing, dating from the 7th century.  As a specialist in digital enhancement of archaeological material, I was called in by Cornwall Archaeological Unit (who discovered the stone in the summer of 2017) to help produce the clearest possible…

  • Recording St Piran’s Oratory – 3D model and animation

    I have now completed my recent work on St Piran’s Oratory on behalf of St Piran Trust and Cornwall Archaeological Unit. It was a challenging task requiring a huge amount of computer resources and time, with colleagues at Archaeovision helping when my computer broke down, but I am pleased with the results. Here is a short…

  • It’s All About The Photos

    It’s been a busy time for me recently, with much of my recent work focussing upon historic photographs and photogrammetry. I have been working with the Morrab Library in Penzance to build a digitisation facility so that they may begin, with a volunteer workforce, to scan their wonderful collection of historic photographs. There are about…

  • Recording St Piran’s Oratory

    For the last couple of weeks, and on St Piran’s Day itself, I have been helping out with the Uncovering St Piran’s Oratory project. Organised by St Piran Trust and run by Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service the project aims to uncover as much of the (potentially) early medieval structure to assess and record its condition.…

  • Announcing Archaeovision

    I am delighted to announce that I am now a consultant for Archaeovision, a pan-EU group of experts in the field of archaeological computing. Here’s a summary of what Archaeovision is about: Archaeovision offers innovative solutions to a wealth of problems in the heritage sectors. We can 3D scan your objects, survey your building, investigate…

  • Latest Cornwall Archaeological Society newsletter features the Gulval Evangelists

    The latest issue of the Cornwall Archaeological Society newsletter (no. 133) arrived in the post today. I opened the envelope only to spot my work on the front page. For me this is definitely an honour!

  • A Medieval Discovery at Gulval Church, Cornwall

    [Update] This work has now been published with Prof. Michelle Brown in British Archaeology. Just to the left of the south porch of Gulval Church, near Penzance in Cornwall, lies a large block of granite. I first came across it on a visit to the churchyard in 2012. However, it really piqued my interest a…