Category: twitter
15 years on Twitter
I first heard about Twitter back in 2006. I wasn’t sure if I’d use it, and at that time you needed to have an invitation in order to keep a check on the growth of users. In February 2007 I was able to sign up. I was able to choose “@tag” (my initials) as my…
Being @tag on Twitter
When I signed up to Twitter in early February 2007 I wanted as short a username as possible, and as Twitter was still young, I was able to get a three letter username – @tag – which are my initials (@tom had gone) to save on those precious 140 characters. Twitter didn’t do tagging, and…
Native Symbian S60 Twitter Clients
A quick post to mention that a few native Symbian S60 Twitter clients are under development. I haven’t installed or tried any of these, but when I have the time, I’ll post my feedback here. Gravity Gravity will be a commercial product, developed by mobileways, who already offer native S60 Twitter functionality within their WirelessIRC…